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The role of moisture-proof mats and mats

Written byAdventor

The floor mat refers to a thin layer of waterproof cloth directly on the ground, which mainly protects the bottom of the tent from being damaged, soils the bottom of the tent, and prevents the bottom of the tent from freezing with the ground in winter. Can also be used as a picnic mat. The moisture-proof mat is laid inside the tent and under the sleeping bag, mainly to increase the comfort. The two are easy to mix and are essential equipment for camping.
Moisture-proof mats are very important when camping in the wild. The main functions are as follows: Because it is difficult to find a flat place when camping in the wild, it can be very boring when sleeping. With a moisture-proof pad, things are much better. Second, keep warm. Because the body generally directly contacts the ground when camping in the wild (the heat insulation effect of the bottom of the tent alone is minimal), if there is a layer of moisture-proof pad between the body and the ground, the warming effect will be much better. Third, moisture-proof. When camping in the wild, the ground is usually very wet at night, and because the moisture-proof pad is waterproof, it can play a role in blocking the moisture.
Advantages and disadvantages of various mats
The foam moisture-proof pad is made of a foam material composed of a large number of tiny closed air cells.
Advantages: excellent insulation, good moisture resistance, comfortable, light weight and warm.
Cons: Slightly larger.
The self-inflating moisture-proof pad seals the sponge in a waterproof nylon jacket. The sponge inside will expand automatically when used.
Advantages: most comfortable, waterproof, moisture-proof, adjustable air chamber inflation.
Disadvantages: expensive, easy to puncture, and heavy.
Aluminum film moisture-proof pad, outside (double-sided or single-sided aluminum film, but also plastic paper for bad businesses), internal foam, good moisture resistance.
Pros: Lightweight, cheap, and cost-effective
Disadvantages: easy to break and poor comfort.
The following issues should be noted when using a moisture-proof pad:
1. The moisture-proof pad should be wrapped in an outer bag to reduce wear.
2. The self-inflating moisture-proof pad should be automatically inflated. Don't use too much gas in your mouth.
3. When using a moisture-proof pad, the ground should be level to avoid damaging the moisture-proof pad.
4. Most of the material of the moisture-proof pad is flammable, so pay attention to fire prevention