
Home / News / Requirements for moisture-proof pads: light weight, safe and reliable, warm, portable

Requirements for moisture-proof pads: light weight, safe and reliable, warm, portable

Written byAdventor

Lightweight, safe and reliable, warm and portable. The above requirements for moisture-proof pads, I hope this solution can meet all the requirements

The most important requirement for moisture-proof pads is safety and reliability; then, according to the season, the second requirement is light weight in summer, and the second requirement in winter is warmth; the last requirement is portability. Don't expect too much.

However, it seems that everyone's quest for weight comes first. However, this is a very contradictory thing. There are mainly three types of moisture-proof cushions, foam moisture-proof cushions, self-inflating cushions, and air cushions, each of which has outstanding advantages and insurmountable shortcomings.

The biggest advantage of the foam moisture-proof pad is that it is absolutely safe and reliable, and the foam pad will not lose its performance under any circumstances, which is impossible for self-inflating pads and air cushions. Then there is a certain weight advantage, but this advantage is not very obvious. However, the lack of thermal insulation of foam pads is also a headache. Either use with double-sided aluminum film pads or use thickened foam pads. These two solutions solve the problem of thermal insulation, but the weight also increases and the volume is larger. of. The volume problem is the eternal pain of foam pads. When lightweighting has become very popular, you often see foam pads with 70L large bags that need to be attached on Aotai Road. Self-inflating cushions are more embarrassing now, the storage volume is a little larger than that of air cushions, and much smaller than that of foam cushions; the safety and reliability are a little worse than foam cushions, but better than air cushions; the general price is a little more expensive than foam cushions, and cheaper than air cushions; The weight ratio is also generally a little heavier than foam pads and air pads. In fact, this is the mean.

Air cushions are very popular now, the storage volume is small and portable, and they keep warm. Now the weight can be close to that of foam cushions. However, as soon as the air leaks, the performance is lost. Safety and reliability are the pain points of the air cushion. This is why the air cushion is better than the foam cushion, but the foam cushion is still used in the alpine environment. The biggest appeal to the moisture-proof cushion in the alpine environment is Safe and reliable. Although there are also double-layer air cushions and double-layer independent air chambers, which have certain guarantees in terms of safety and reliability, but they are heavy. Bingzhoumu's double-layer air cushions are 780 grams. Basically, people will shake their heads when they ask the weight first, and will not continue Understand, ignore the feature of double-layer independent air chamber.

Lightweight, safe and reliable, warm and portable, these main requirements for moisture-proof pads cannot always be fully satisfied, not to mention other requirements such as comfort, price, and ease of use. However, things in the world are like this. Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness have been dilemma. There are gains and losses, and people must make choices.
I found that people are very accustomed to using double-sided aluminum film pads, which is inseparable from the inducement of some merchants.
This picture is even a tutorial for newcomers to go to camping gear selection, which is widely circulated. However, there are three items that can be brought or not, tent lights, aluminum foil mats, floor cloths, especially aluminum foil mats, which are completely unnecessary for conventional routes. So when it comes to lightweighting, the first thing to think about is what can be without wearing, rather than what can be a little lighter.
In any case, aluminum foil mats are still very popular. Even in summer, a huge backpack is often seen, with a foam pad on the left and a double-sided aluminum film pad on the right. Like this, it can be seen that the aluminum foil pad is also very bulky.
In fact, it is very simple to make the moisture-proof pad lighter. Someone has been playing with it for a long time. It is a half-body pad. A foam pad is cut in half and only pads the upper body. The weight of the half foam pad is generally about 200 grams. In this way, the weight has gone down, and the storage volume has also gone down, but this is difficult to be accepted.